Wednesday, July 12, 2006

sunn 0))) - Cro-Monolithic Remixes for an Iron Age

Cro-Monolithic Remixes for an Iron Age contains Greg Anderson and Stephen O'Malley's epic remix of (their idols) Earth's "Teeth of Lions Rule the Divine" and a remix of Merzbow's "Catch 22 (Surrender or Die)." For "Rule the Divine," Sunn 0))) opens up Dylan Carlson's original, so much so that large stretches of the track are heavily reverbed guitar scraping, mere hints of melody. Clocking in at over 15 minutes, the track seems to stop somewhere in the middle, as if time itself had stopped and the last sound heard echoes into infinity, before slamming back near the end with Carlson's trademarked guitar drone. This track also appears, in apparently the same form, on Earth's Legacy of Dissolution remix album. Sunn 0)))'s remix of Merzbow, on the B-side is almost exactly what you'd expect. Masami Akita's violent digital squeals are enveloped in the Anderson/O'Malley drone and, while not rendered impotent, are less abrasive as they would be on their own. This is a different, longer version of the remix that appears on the Merzbow album Frog Remixed and Revisited, and which makes this one of the more sought-after items in the Sunn 0))) catalog, and because of its limited nature (500 only), is not designed for newcomers.


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